Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Toddler?!? Already!?!

Peyton is officially a toddler! Goodbye baby and hello toddler! I was just discussing with a friend the other day,
whose daughter is 2 days older than Peyton, that no one told us that by 1 year they would be little people and not babies anymore!!! It is truly amazing how fast it happens.  

Peyton is officially walking EVERYWHERE! No more crawling for this girl.  She also has a handful of words she knows: mom, dada, dog/doggy, hi, no, mum mum (usually means food) and I believe our newest word, over the last couple of days, is...go.  

While it makes me sad that Peyton is losing the baby in sure is fun to do things with her since she is walking, talking and exploring! We have also had several play dates in the last week which has been so fun to see her interact with other littles her size. Yesterday, Peyton and our neighbors daughter were destroying the house together and giving kisses goodbye! <3

I am so excited about this year! We have many plans to play and explore.  While her first year we would get out of the house and run errands or wander the mall, this year we get to get out and go play at the park, go explore the museum or the aquarium. Eeek!!! I can hardly contain my excitement about it all.  

Being a stay at home with a baby is a lot of staying at home.  Because they have to nap and eat frequently.  So now that Peyton is getting a little older and we get to get out and do more together, it really is exciting!

I see many fun adventures is the future....