Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Finding time...

The other night I spent some time reminiscing over previous blog posts. Remembering life before the boys and my pregnancy with the boys.  I had lots of laughs and some tears of joy. And the reminder that I haven't had the time, rather the energy, to blog the way I used to it. 

And yes, I think I had more energy pregnant, than I do now with 3 littles....or at least a different kind of energy!

I feel like even when we have "boring" days...we are so busy. You don't realize how much time and energy goes into feeding, changing, potty training (It really is an ongoing ordeal) and entertaining 3 kids until you're in the trenches.

I love seeing their personalities develop and watching them grow and learn. All 3 truly amaze me everyday.  But honestly, it doesn't take long before I start counting down to nap time and bed time, because I am exhausted. 

However, despite all the exhaustion, I have been able to watch as Jensen takes the reigns as "mama's boy"...he may or may not follow me around whining until I pick him up....got 4 teeth in at the same time (still waiting for the 4th one to poke through, it's been a rough few weeks). I get to see Trevor carefully and meticulously figure out how to crawl down our front step and then Jensen see him do it and go at it with no fear....I get to see Trevor teach his brother other awesome things , like standing up in the crib and bathtub. I get to watch Trevor go splash crazy in the tub...earning his nickname of "Phelpster"...seriously, it's a toss up between him and Peyton on who is a bigger water bug...though Jensen does go straight for the toilet water if the lid gets left up. I have had the pleasure and pain of watching as Peyton develops  independence.  She goes pee on her terms, she has recently decided that she will not take a bath with her brothers, and that it is her turn when they are done.  She lets me know when she wants two, "both", piggies or a pony in her hair and would like to wear her princess shoes or sleep in her pretty dress instead of putting on PJs. And while I thought she developed a fondness for Llama Llama books and bought her some more, she has made it very clear that she is only fond of the ONE Llama Llama book. It makes me giggle as Jensen follows her around wanting to play and she calls him "Trevor" EVERYTIME!  Several times a week she asks to go to the zoo to see animals, and on weekends we often give in. 

And as exhausted as I have been lately (the boys have decided they would rather eat in the middle of the night, instead of during the day...we're working on it), writing this all out was a great reminder of all the amazing my day is filled with.