Wednesday, May 27, 2015

She's a big girl now!

For Christmas Peyton got a princess potty and some big girl undies. However, she has consistently refused to even sit on the potty. But I was in no rush, I figured the time would come when she was ready. Periodically I would still ask if she wanted to sit on the potty and usually got the same answer, no!

Just recently she started asking us to more frequently change her diaper, tell us when she went poop, or ask to take her own diaper off. So last week I once again asked if she wanted to sit on the potty....she said yes!!!!!! So she spent a half a day running around the house diaperless and periodically sitting on the potty. She never went the first day...but I thought, if she's ready, we are doing this! And so we have begun potty training. 

A week into it she's doing pretty good. She gets frustrated with us asking her if she has to go pee pee but if she's running around naked (which she frequently is) she'll go into the bathroom and go potty by herself. We are still working on it and we are by no means potty trained...but we are getting there!!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Road trippin'

Let me start by saying that the longest any of the kids ever been in the car is 1 1/2 maybe 2 hours. Peyton has slept away from home...but it has been quite some time and she slept in the pack n' play....while the boys have never slept anywhere overnight. 

That being said we had our first road trip. Bryce's sister had her college graduation on Seward, Nebraska on Saturday...that is roughly a 7 hour drive for us. After much deliberation the plan we came up with to Bryce's mom's Thursday night to cut 1 1/2 hours off the trip. Friday morning put Peyton in their car so that one of us could ride in the back with boys. The hope was that that would limit the number of stops since we would be able to do bottles in the car and Peyton would have grandma, grandpa, and 2 aunties to entertain her! We could get to Nebraska Friday afternoon, make it to the banquet dinner, graduation Saturday morning, BBQ after, get on the road by 2ish and be home in time for a late bedtime!! But apparently, the weather had a different plan!

All went well Thursday and Friday.  Friday was a LONG day and we had 3 tired and crabby kids but we made it!

Everyone felt a bit refreshed Saturday for the graduation but we started hearing news of all the crazy weather back in Colorado. So following Becca's graduation and a celebration BBQ we hit the road!

We were making great time but learned just as we were hitting Colorado that the road we needed to take to make it home from Bryce's mom's house was closed due to flooding. This was not the news that a tired mama of 3 wanted to hear. I was tired, the kids were all done being in the car. All I wanted was home, my bed and my dogs! But it looked like none of that was going to happen until the next day. 

And so we camped out one more night at Bryce's mom's. Luckily, everyone was so worn out they slept like rocks. I had hoped to wake up at home on Mother's Day to breakfast of my choice and a relaxing day at home with all my loves. Instead the morning was spent driving out of the way around the closed, flooded road with 3 kids who were NOT happy about another long car ride. 

But we eventually made it home!! And Bryce put forth effort to still make my Mother's Day special.  And as exhausting as the trip was, we also built so family memories to carry with us....but next time, we are flying!!!!