Monday, April 28, 2014

Learning as we go...

The last month and a half has already been a wild ride. At 13 weeks, I look very pregnant! No hiding the baby bump for this mama!  I have been battling morning sickness AKA feeling like crap all day!! It has increasingly become a struggle to find things to keep that nausea tamed and the food down. So here's to hoping that as I enter the second trimester all this fun stuff starts to disapate. 

Yesterday we had our first Dr appointment since learning our family was growing by 2! And we got to not only see our growing babies but learn more about them. Both babies are growing great and measuring right where they are supposed to and both had heart rates at 160.  The big thing that we learned is that they are IDENTICAL!!! Eeek!!

So what does that mean? Well there are several types of twins (aside from fraternal and identical). Ours are di/mo (di amniotic/mono chorionic) twins....meaning, each little baby has it's own amniotic sac but they are sharing a placenta and a larger sac, called the chorionic sac. (Identical twins also means it's either 2 boys or 2 girls!!)
The diagram just shows identical twinning...where one fertilized egg splits ( fraternal twins being 2 completely different eggs). On the diagram the center column represents what our babies look like, di/mo twins. 

For random knowledge...fraternal twins or identical twins that share NOTHING are called di/di (di amniotic/di chorionic) twins...looks like the first column.  And identical twins that share EVERYTHING are called mo/mo (mono amniotic/mono chorionic) twins...looks like the last column. 

The best case scenario as far as risk goes is twins that share nothing. So since our babies do share a placenta there is some risk of Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). TTTS basically, in simplicitest terms is where one baby takes more from the placenta then the other causing one baby to grow at a slower rate. (Obviously there is a little more to it than that, but we don't need to get into all of it). There is only about 15-20% chance of TTTS occurring and there is no reason currently for us to worry about it, as both babies are growing great.  But we will continue to be monitored for it. 

Enough about the twin exciting as they are!

Peyton is officially 16 months old and in full toddler mode...sass and temper tantrums included! 

A few weeks ago Bryce had the day off and it just so happen to be a beautiful day out. So we took advantage of it and spent the day at the zoo.  Peyton had an awesome time.  She wanted to walk the whole time and loved all the animals, she reached for each one...wanting to pet them like she does her puppies.  And it was great for Bryce to get to join us on an outing, since often times Peyton and I go by ourselves during the week.


Peyton also had her first toddler Easter! We went to my parents house and just hung out. It was pretty low key, but nice and relaxing.  Peyton even picked her own Easter bonnet to wear ALL day!!

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