Sunday, May 11, 2014

I couldn't do it alone

I feel as though I have so much to be thankful for this Mother's beautiful toddler and not one but TWO little munchkins baking away! 

It has been a rough few months for me (though exciting) with all of these extra hormones running through my body.  They make me extra crazy, irrational and emotional.  I often have minor anxiety attacks and feel overly sensitive about the smallest things....and through it all my wonderful husband has been here to hug me, hold my hand, pat my back, calm me down, validate me and remind me it will all be okay! I definitely could not be the mother that I am without him. 

Bryce works hard day in and day out so that I can stay home with Peyton and go to the zoo, aquarium, museum, so we can play all day at home or the park and more I can watch her grow.  Being a mother is a hard job ( and the best job in the world) but it is not a job I could do without Bryce.  He is my better half!  I am the mom I am, because of him.  

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