Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2 years...it flew by!

Yesterday was Peyton's 2nd Birthday. I still can't believe my baby is 2! And even more, I can't believe how much she has grown. Everyday she does or says something that amazes me. I often wonder where she is learning some of this stuff...and am then reminded how amazing she really is. 

I remember blogging this time last year about Peyton turning 1! And how I couldn't believe she went from a dependent baby to starting to walk and talk. And now she's running everywhere, talking up a storm...starting to use sentences and has no problem sharing her opinion on matters! Holy cow...this all happened faster than I ever imagined (oh no, the water works are starting up!). 

As parents I think we are quick to say we are excited for the next stage: rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, talking...etc. But I have learned that each stage is equally amazing...and in reality they come and go way too fast! 

It feels like just yesterday I was worried Peyton would never crawl and now I can barely catch her when she thinks it's funny to run from me in the middle of target. And I wonder where she learned to say "baby lay down. Help, mama". Yep, she's telling me to the lay the baby down so I can help her. She also has no problem putting her hand up and saying "mama stop" (it's so hard not to laugh!). 

The point is, this stage is amazingly fun...the rate in which Peyton learns something new is unbelievable!

The point is, where as before I found myself saying I was excited for what's next...now I find myself saying "slow down, I'm not done enjoying this stage yet!"  

She's a two year old, with two year old behaviors...many of which are truly "terrible" behaviors...but often times, Bryce and I find ourselves laughing at them...because really, they are more amusing than terrible. And for that, I am thankful for our ability to laugh and enjoy parenthood (most of the time)...because there really is so much to enjoy!

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