Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Laugh, cry....both?!?!

As the boys have taken over my blog the last several months...I felt that Peyton deserved her own post!  

I have recently found myself stuck between laughing and wanting to cry. At the end of the month Peyton will turn 2....but I assure you, her terrible 2 behaviors are already in full effect. 

Perhaps one of my flaws as a parent is that I laugh when I shouldn't.  And there has been lots to laugh at...or rather lots I shouldn't laugh at, but do, lately. 

Recently we spent several days with my family...and my mom, dad and sisters got to experience a little bit of what my life with Peyton is like. At my parent's house... my mom keeps a nice house...and it is not child proofed in the least! Gorgeous christmas tree covered in glass ornaments, glass coffee table, candle holder surrounded by rocks, candles everywhere, heavy decorative objects....you get the idea!  Within a day at my parents, Peyton tried to pull off and throw several glass ornaments (this was no surprise as she undecorates our Christmas tree all the time, yelling "ball" as she throws the ornaments at the dogs), she repeatedly climbed on top of the glass table and would stand with her hands up in a "tada" stance, she would bang all the lovely decorative objects on the glass tables. The rock filled candle holder had to be put away otherwise Peyton would throw handfuls of rocks everywhere.  Eventually all candles had to be put away because Peyton would scrape them with her fingernail and eat them. Yum!

While at Disney on Ice, my mom and dad were supervising Peyton and said that she literally ran laps around the halls while they chased her. She would blindly run through black curtains...Yep, stairs were on the other side. At target my mom and sister got to experience Peyton's favorite game: I will run from you and laugh the whole time (this is a really fun game when I'm by myself with 3 kids). My mom couldn't believe how active this child is. At home my sister couldn't stop laughing as Peyton would climb on the couch and jump off landing on her butt laughing and saying "butt bomb!"  Or as she would leap from the window bench onto the side of the couch.  It's really hard to tell her "no" while I'm laughing...it kind of takes away from the authoritativeness. 

Yesterday Peyton got into all of the board games (they will now be moved out of reach) and scattered them everywhere!  
She later took her diaper off to reveal a blue game piece stuck between her cheeks...she must have shoved it down her diaper earlier. This was also a foreshadowing of how our night would end....literally minutes before bed time I find that Peyton took off her poopy diaper in my bed!! Poop everywhere...after screaming for Bryce and getting it cleaned up and Peyton to bed all we could do was laugh!!! That one tops our chart for terrible two behaviors...so far!  I'm a bit nervous to see what she'll do once she actually turns 2!!

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