Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's all in the genes!

Let's talk dimples (the kind on your face)...

Those of you that know me or have seen pictures of me, know that I have dimples. My dimple on my right cheek is much more prominent than my dimple on my left cheek (but both do exist!). 

What most people don't know about dimples is that they are a genetic defect! Basically a dimple is caused by a shortened muscle or collapsing muscle in the cheek...which creates a dimple. And this defect is genetic...in fact it is a dominant gene. If one parent has dimples or even carries the gene there is a 50% chance the child will have dimples. If both parents have dimples or the gene the chances of the child having dimples increases even more. 

Now, I used to get teased...only by my dimpleless sister and husband...about my dimples. My sister used to tease me and say that I only had dimples because she poked me in the cheeks with pencils.  And Bryce always jokes that I only have one and it's weird.  Obviously, when Bryce started teasing me about my dimples he didn't know there was a high probability that I could one day pass them on to our children! 

And guess what....I did!!!

At a young age Peyton started showing us her dimple on her right cheek.

We started seeing Jensen's dimple pretty early on...which is also located on his right cheek. And over the last 3 months (the boys turned 3 months yesterday!!) it has really become prominent, though still difficult to catch on camera. 

And over the last few weeks Trevor's dimple...also on the right cheek...is slowly starting to show. I have pretty unsuccessfully tried to catch it on camera. But I did get some cute pictures out of the effort. 

So I have successfully passed my genetic defect down to all three children and I love it!!!! Can't wait to watch their cute little smiles and accompanying dimples grow!! Best genetic defect ever!


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