Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The week from hell

It's been awhile. I know. Life gets super busy with 3 kids...especially 3 mobile kids!  

Last week the boys turned one. It was a pretty stressful time for me as I thought about my 2 babies turning ONE!!! It made me sad....they're my babies!!  However last week also began a very stressful and exhausting time in our house. 

I didn't have much time to mourn the boys turning one before I had a sick toddler.  

We had all sorts of plans on the boys' birthday. Peyton had dance class, we were going to go out to lunch, and then go to the open gym at our rec center so the kids could play on the trampoline, balance beam and in the foam pit. However, Peyton complained of her tummy hurting in dance. We ended leaving dance early to go home and see if some food would help. Unfortunately before we even made it home, Peyton threw-up in car. We had several more incidents of this throughout the day. Lots of baths and laundry! Needless to say, Trevor and Jensen's birthday was not spent doing fun things.  I was pretty bummed about this. But we had a very sick kid. The next day Peyton was doing better but we spent the day recovering. 

Thursday, the boys had their one year dr appointment. They are growing perfectly and were nice and healthy. 

So when they were super fussy and did minimal sleeping Thursday night we assumed it was from the shots. Friday they were completely inconsolable and had fevers. They wouldn't eat, drink or sleep. And had sudden mass amounts of drool! All they would do was cry. And they both only wanted to lay on mama. 

They wouldn't even let Bryce hold them...they would cry "mama" until I took them. Having one 20 pound baby that only wants to be with you is one thing...having TWO....was challenging and exhausting!  They hardly slept Friday night but seemed to have minimal fevers Saturday. We thought they were coming off their fevers from the shots. Then we noticed they had sores in their mouths and that they were slowly getting a rash. Trevor's was pretty mild compared to Jensen, who had it everywhere. 

We took them to urgent care thinking it was Hand, Foot and Mouth. We were told that the good news, it wasn't that...the bad news, it was a virus that just needed to run its course. So we stocked up on baby pain meds and prepared to fight it out. 

Sunday we noticed the rash growing and turning to blisters. 

When I took the boys to the dr first thing Monday, she was in shock seeing the boys, since she had just seen them a few days ago and they were perfectly fine. 

She had no clue what was wrong with them. Though we had ruled out Hand, Foot and Mouth, and the Chickenpox. They were also sure it was not a reaction to the shots. 

They did a culture on the blisters. So we may hear back in a few days what was going on. Since the dr, most have the blisters have started to scab over. There are still a few on both boys that look pretty bad. But I think we are on the mend. They ate both lunch and dinner Monday and yesterday...which is awesome considering their diet had previously consisted of Popsicles for several days. 

I'm hoping their blisters heal up quickly and nicely. Poor Jensen looks like a leper and I'm hoping to reschedule their one year pictures that were supposed to take place Monday. We have all been mostly house bound for over a week now and I know I am getting stir crazy, I imagine Peyton is as well. I feel like after this week of hell, we deserve some super healthy kids...and maybe a drink! 

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