Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer at last!!!

The rain finally seems to have subsided and summer is here (at least for a few days)! Nice weather has been Peyton's favorite....she loves it outside. When we play in the backyard or at the park and it's time to go inside or leave Little Miss gets PISSED!!!  But who can blame her....outside is pretty awesome! She is totally content just walking around out in the entertaining required.

Next week we get to start swim lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We did swim lessons last summer too but this year will definitely be different and hopefully more fun! I can't wait to see my little fish in action. 

We have also started working on room arrangements in the Houtchens' house. Peyton will be moving one room down (and will have an attached bathroom...lucky girl!) and the boys will be taking her room. Sounds easy enough....hahahaha.  So we have had to clear our the office/exercise room/junk room in order to make room for the extra bed, so that Peyton's new room is empty and ready.  Ugh!!! Peyton's new room is now ready to be painted...she even has her new big girl bed in there. 

Hopefully by the end of June her new room will be all ready for her and we can start that transition and begin working on getting the boys room ready! Should be easy...right!?!!? ;)

We had a dr. Appt today (17 weeks) and got to see our boys worming and squirming around.  Boys and mama are doing great!!

The dr said just keep doing what I'm doing....everything is looking good.  I was told that I can no longer sleep on my back....ugh!! I have never been a back sleeper but the past few weeks I have been so uncomfortable sleeping that sometimes sleeping on my back provides a little comfort...but oh well... I'll survive.  

My dr has also suggested that I start taking a calcium supplement, as twins tend to suck up extra calcium.  So in addition to the 4...sometimes 6 pills I was taking a night, I know get to take 2 more!! Blah!!! On nights I'm not feeling well it is hard to get those suckers down....but anything for healthy babies!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

And our twins are........


Bryce and I are so excited to get to add 2 little precious boys to our family!!! We know Peyton will be a great (and tough) big sister!!

We learned Thursday at our perinatologist appointment that Baby A was a boy!! While Baby B didn't want to show us his goods we knew, since they are identical, that he too was a boy!

However, yesterday we had a top secret source (names will not be mentioned so as to protect the said party from any job abuse for doing said ultrasound! 😉) who was more than excited to check out these twin babies via ultrasound for us! And within the first few minutes both boys were happily showing their boy parts without being shy!! And once again...a big thank you to the unnamed source! It was so awesome just get to see our little guys for fun rather than for medical purposes. 

Once we revealed the babies genders to our families the next obvious question was....what are we going to name them? 

We quickly had to bursts our families bubbles and let them know that both precious boys do have names...but....everyone will have to wait for their arrival to learn what they are!! 

I will say...they will NOT have "twin" names (e.g. Larry and Harry, Brandon and Brian, Jim and John). Nor will they be named after anyone....sorry folks, that's just not my thing!!

Profile views of both Baby A and Baby B. 

Baby B sucking his thumb.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I've got a SECRET!!!

Today Bryce and I met with a Perinatologist AKA a high risk OB doctor.  We got an ultrasound done to further confirm that our babies are identical and sharing a placenta...which the Perinatologist did confirm.  It was so fun to see our little babies squirming around.  Though these babies may technically be identical...they already seem to have very different personalities.  Baby A (as he/she has always been labeled) is very much relaxed and just takes it pretty easy nuzzling inside me.  Baby B on the other hand is ALL OVER the place! This little baby has not held still for a second during our last 2 ultrasounds....and I'm not just talking wiggling a little bit.  NO...this little baby was literally running circles around baby A.  Needless to say baby B has already been deemed the trouble maker!

Anyways...both babies are doing great....leading me to the secret I have.......we got a little peek between these babies legs!! But.....we aren't sharing just yet!!!! SORRY!  We also have an ultrasound on Saturday to confirm the never hurts to double check! So maybe after that we'll share!

Because the babies are identical twins sharing a placenta our Perinatologist has suggested that we have ultrasounds every 2 weeks...HOLY COW!!!  It's exciting to know that we will get to see our babies so often but it's also exhausting because these appointments tend to average 2 hours.  The reason for so many ultrasounds is to monitor the babies and their growth and keep an eye out for the Twin to Twin Transfusion I spoke of a few posts ago (though our Dr today said that just based off his past Dr knowledge and experience he doesn't foresee that coming up...sigh of relief).  With so many ultrasounds coming up I think that it is also time find a babysitter....because taking Peyton to these long appointments is becoming more and more difficult!

Well friends, until next time!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I couldn't do it alone

I feel as though I have so much to be thankful for this Mother's beautiful toddler and not one but TWO little munchkins baking away! 

It has been a rough few months for me (though exciting) with all of these extra hormones running through my body.  They make me extra crazy, irrational and emotional.  I often have minor anxiety attacks and feel overly sensitive about the smallest things....and through it all my wonderful husband has been here to hug me, hold my hand, pat my back, calm me down, validate me and remind me it will all be okay! I definitely could not be the mother that I am without him. 

Bryce works hard day in and day out so that I can stay home with Peyton and go to the zoo, aquarium, museum, so we can play all day at home or the park and more I can watch her grow.  Being a mother is a hard job ( and the best job in the world) but it is not a job I could do without Bryce.  He is my better half!  I am the mom I am, because of him.