Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer at last!!!

The rain finally seems to have subsided and summer is here (at least for a few days)! Nice weather has been Peyton's favorite....she loves it outside. When we play in the backyard or at the park and it's time to go inside or leave Little Miss gets PISSED!!!  But who can blame her....outside is pretty awesome! She is totally content just walking around out in the entertaining required.

Next week we get to start swim lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We did swim lessons last summer too but this year will definitely be different and hopefully more fun! I can't wait to see my little fish in action. 

We have also started working on room arrangements in the Houtchens' house. Peyton will be moving one room down (and will have an attached bathroom...lucky girl!) and the boys will be taking her room. Sounds easy enough....hahahaha.  So we have had to clear our the office/exercise room/junk room in order to make room for the extra bed, so that Peyton's new room is empty and ready.  Ugh!!! Peyton's new room is now ready to be painted...she even has her new big girl bed in there. 

Hopefully by the end of June her new room will be all ready for her and we can start that transition and begin working on getting the boys room ready! Should be easy...right!?!!? ;)

We had a dr. Appt today (17 weeks) and got to see our boys worming and squirming around.  Boys and mama are doing great!!

The dr said just keep doing what I'm doing....everything is looking good.  I was told that I can no longer sleep on my back....ugh!! I have never been a back sleeper but the past few weeks I have been so uncomfortable sleeping that sometimes sleeping on my back provides a little comfort...but oh well... I'll survive.  

My dr has also suggested that I start taking a calcium supplement, as twins tend to suck up extra calcium.  So in addition to the 4...sometimes 6 pills I was taking a night, I know get to take 2 more!! Blah!!! On nights I'm not feeling well it is hard to get those suckers down....but anything for healthy babies!

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