Thursday, May 15, 2014

I've got a SECRET!!!

Today Bryce and I met with a Perinatologist AKA a high risk OB doctor.  We got an ultrasound done to further confirm that our babies are identical and sharing a placenta...which the Perinatologist did confirm.  It was so fun to see our little babies squirming around.  Though these babies may technically be identical...they already seem to have very different personalities.  Baby A (as he/she has always been labeled) is very much relaxed and just takes it pretty easy nuzzling inside me.  Baby B on the other hand is ALL OVER the place! This little baby has not held still for a second during our last 2 ultrasounds....and I'm not just talking wiggling a little bit.  NO...this little baby was literally running circles around baby A.  Needless to say baby B has already been deemed the trouble maker!

Anyways...both babies are doing great....leading me to the secret I have.......we got a little peek between these babies legs!! But.....we aren't sharing just yet!!!! SORRY!  We also have an ultrasound on Saturday to confirm the never hurts to double check! So maybe after that we'll share!

Because the babies are identical twins sharing a placenta our Perinatologist has suggested that we have ultrasounds every 2 weeks...HOLY COW!!!  It's exciting to know that we will get to see our babies so often but it's also exhausting because these appointments tend to average 2 hours.  The reason for so many ultrasounds is to monitor the babies and their growth and keep an eye out for the Twin to Twin Transfusion I spoke of a few posts ago (though our Dr today said that just based off his past Dr knowledge and experience he doesn't foresee that coming up...sigh of relief).  With so many ultrasounds coming up I think that it is also time find a babysitter....because taking Peyton to these long appointments is becoming more and more difficult!

Well friends, until next time!!

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