Sunday, July 13, 2014

A harsh...yet, hilarious, reality

It has finally happened.  In the last week I have noticed just how big my belly has gotten!!

I now have several maternity shirts that are too short!  Like you can seriously see part of my bump if I wear them. Shirts that were once rather long and that I thought provided plenty of stretch for my growing 24 weeks, they now, no longer are covering the boys!!

Last night at dinner, Bryce and I went to a cute little steak house in Breckenridge on our night away from home. As we were seated in a lovely booth...I quickly realized that I could not fit!!! belly was too big for the booth.  After a good laugh, Bryce switched sides with me since his side seemed to offer just a bit more wiggle room. 

I also have decided that I will no longer feel guilty for using the handicap stall when using public restrooms.  It has become increasingly difficult to get some of those bathroom stall doors open and shut without carefully maniuvering the belly out of the way!!

I am the first to admit...this is all actually really funny!! I'm only 24 weeks pregnant (tomorrow) and my belly is already big enough that it's creating issues.  How will I manage for 14 more weeks...and how big will I get!?!??!!?  Eeek.....

      23 weeks and 3 days. 

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