Sunday, July 27, 2014

Chugging along....

After a nice little 4 week break from Dr appointments we are back to going to the Dr every 2 weeks.  Not because anything is wrong but just to continue monitoring that babies are getting everything they need.  As nice as the break was, I definitely am not complaining about getting to see my boys frequently again!

On Thursday we got to see the boys and they are doing great!! Still measuring neck and neck. Baby A is about 1lb 13oz and Baby B is about 1lb 12oz! Baby A is still sitting head down with his head quite cozy on my cervix (I swear this kid is determined to make sure he's the first one out!) And Baby B is just lounging across the top of my uterus, happily taking up as much room as he can!

I think I can finally tell who is moving when I feel movement! And at almost 2 pounds each, the boys are big enough to start making my belly feel and look like little aliens moving around. There are times I am convinced they just kicking each other back and forth and other times that both boys are definitely moving at the same time because I can feel thumps and rolls and kicks and punches everywhere all at once!!

Tomorrow I will be 26 weeks, which means, in 12 weeks or less, my sweet boys will be here!! It's crazy to think that that is all that is left.  

We have been busy, busy with Peyton and getting things ready for our expanding family.  Peyton is getting in not 1, not 2, but 3 molars! That's right, she is getting in 3 molars, at the same time!! This has made her just slightly unpleasant the past few weeks.  She is also discovering her independence and has been proudly displaying that...especially at nap time!! Her new thing is getting out of bed and playing (or destroying) her bedroom before deciding she's ready for a nap. She also likes to do everything by herself right help!! It is exhausting at times, but ultimately rewarding and fun to see her change and grow everyday.  She sure does keep things interesting!!

We...well, Bryce, has finally started working on painting the boys' room.  And I have slowly been working on the wall art for their room...eventually we will finish!!

Our new family car is finally here......yay!!! Obviously we had to upgrade our car situation because my Ford Escape would not hold 3 car seats.  So a few months ago we factory ordered a Dodge Durango. And on Tuesday we finally got it!! So exciting! It is the first brand new car I have ever had and the first car Bryce and I have picked out together. So far we love it!!

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