Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hormonal rant

Please read disclosure at bottom of post. 

When one is pregnant they are often greeted by friends, family and strangers with remarks such as this:

Look how cute your belly is!

You look great. 


What a blessing. 

You will be a great mom!

However, when you are pregnant with twins the sentiment from friends, family and strangers is not as....warm.  If I hear the warm sentiments listed above, they are often times accompanied by "but.."; though many times I just hear things like:

I can't imagine how big you will be by the end. 

3 under 2?!?

You are going to need a lot of help. 

The face that says "Eeek" 

I hope you have help. 

I always wanted twins. 

Better you than me. 

First off, when Bryce and I planned to grow our was by 1...not 2!! The 2nd baby of this twin pregnancy was quite a surprise and obviously not planned (though very much loved and welcomed).  Because seriously...who plans on having twins?!??!!? 

Second, having a baby is never an easy thing. You lose sleep, sanity and much more.  However, many mothers (parents) parent multiple children everyday!! I will not be the first mom to ever have twins with a toddler already on scene. Where is everyone's optimism and confidence in me?? I have it in myself, as does Bryce...why can't people just say "you're a great mom! You'll do great!"  But constantly having others...who have never raised twins themselves, mind you...tell me how hard it's going to be and how much help I'm going to need is rather frustrating...especially for a hormonal pregnant woman.  And to them I say:

Third, no pregnant woman...whether she's carrying multiples or not, wants to hear about her size. Guess what...I already feel huge and uncomfortable!! And have many thoughts...nightmares...about how big I'm going to get by the end of this! And while it's okay for me to make comments about should not join in!

I know that this pregnancy is not going to be a cake walk...because...I'm experiencing it first hand!! I know that having twins is not going to be easy peasy, and there will be many tiring, exhausting and hard times. But I also have faith in myself as a parent and that in the end it will all be okay and will work out.

And so ends the rant...until next time!

**dear friends and family...If you have in the past made such comments please do not take offense to this post. It was not written with any one person in mind, nor was it written to offend or upset anyone. Love you all!

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