Wednesday, August 20, 2014

time to slow down...???

 A friend and coworker of mine was due with her son exactly one year after I was due with Peyton.  So while I was lugging around sweet little baby Peyton she would tell me that I made being pregnant look so easy! She asked how I did it? I had to break the truth to her: I cried almost every night from being tired, uncomfortable, emotional...etc..

I must put on one hell of a front because as HUGE and uncomfortable as I feel right now, I constantly hear how great I am doing and how great I look...that I'm all baby! And as flattered as I am, I hate to break everyone's' heart but....I'm uncomfortable, my back hurts, my braxton hicks make it hard for me to move sometimes, sleeping doesn't happen unless I take something to help me sleep and even then I toss and turn half the night trying to get comfortable, I can't walk up and down the stairs without getting winded, I'm horribly emotional....and to top it all off...I still have 9 weeks to go!!  And much like the last month of my pregnancy with Peyton, I cry almost every night because I'm uncomfortable and can't imagine my belly getting any bigger (I know, I's going to get bigger).

I think often times I just put a smile on my face and say "I can do it" because I believe that I can do it....sure I may be walking around with what looks like a giant pumpkin in my stomach...but I still believe I can carry my laundry upstairs, I can carry Peyton around the store, I can chase Peyton around the mall....because these things still need to get done....right??!?!!?

Well, as my doc put it yesterday, it is time to SLOW DOWN and take it easy!! I have been pretty fortunate to have a pretty easy pregnancy....especially since it's considered a high risk pregnancy.  However, much to the discontent of my friends and family, I'm not quite sure what it means to slow down and take it easy...does chasing Peyton around during gymnastics (crawling on the ground, jumping up and down, literally running after Peyton) count as slowing down??? Probably not! But...she has 5 more weeks of gymnastics, so we are going to have to make it work....after all, I am still mom.

So I'm not sure what this "slowing down" things is going to look like...but I will do my best....

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