Monday, September 1, 2014

The wall

There comes a time in all pregnancies where you hit "the wall".  Where you say...okay, my body is tired, I'm tired and I just can't take anymore!! Typically "the wall" is close to your due date so it all works out well...because there isn't much time left anyways!

Well, today I am 31 weeks pregnant and am in denial of "the wall". I have 7 weeks at most left...there's a lot of unknown time frame wise...and there is NO WAY I can hit "the wall" with 7 weeks left. But at the same time, if this isn't "the wall", what is??

There is not a part on my body that doesn't hurt or isn't uncomfortable.  My back hurts if I sit, lay down, all the time! I have started swelling just enough that I can't wear my rings and my joints are sore...I never had this problem with Peyton.  The other night I got up literally 6 times to go pee!!! My feet hurt just from standing up or walking to the bathroom. Saying that I waddle is an understatement!! And on top of this exaggerated waddle, it is literally the slowest paced waddle ever...yet it's still my top speed. My hips hurt at night so I'm constantly flipping (if you can even call it that) from one side to the other trying to get comfortable.  Some of my nausea has started to come back...making eating challenging at times.  Bigger shirts I just bought a couple of weeks ago are already feeling not so big already.  But I still have 7 weeks!!

My grandma called me the other day, just to see how I was doing ( how sweet is that!! Way to make a pregnant lady cry!!) and she said, "you must be miserable by now" and I told her, "grandma, I still have a ways to go, I'm not allowed to be miserable yet!" So this cannot be my "wall", not yet! But if this isn't "the wall", what is?!?!

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