Thursday, November 27, 2014

The simple things

couldn't imagine having more to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and Holiday season. I have a wonderful husband and 3 beautiful children. 

I'm sitting in the recliner, after Turkey dinner, holding Jensen while he sleeps.  Trevor is napping next to me in the Mamaroo. Peyton is napping up in her room and Bryce is cleaning up the kitchen. This Thanksgiving we stayed home, with just our family of 5 (and 2 dogs!). We have been watching Jurassic Park all day (Peyton loves the dinosaurs),cooking dinner and putting up our Christmas Tree.  We have all been in our pjs just playing and enjoying each other.  I honestly couldn't have asked for a better day. 

I'm thankful that Bryce and I got to have this day to ourselves to enjoy Peyton and all her feistiness, to enjoy the boys and of course enjoy each other. The holidays are all about family and it's great to get to get together with all of your family and laugh and talk and make memories....but sometimes it's more important to take time to value your smaller immediate family and make those memories that really matter, as small as they may be.

We often take for granted the time we spend at home. I spend all day with my kids...but to be honest much of that time is currently spent waiting for nap time, crying when all 3 kids have meltdowns and hoping I remember to feed everyone. So getting today to really enjoy my family was pretty special. Realizing that both boys will have their first Christmas and we need to get them ornaments with their names on it, showing Peyton how to decorate the tree and watching her take all the ornaments off after I just put them on are things that are so simple...yet so special!  And it really is the simple things that remind you of all that you have to be thankful for.....

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