Thursday, March 26, 2015

Crib sharing

Something you would pretty much NEVER even think about unless you have twins, is.....crib sharing. 

When we first found out we were having twins we said "two cribs"! We didn't want them sharing. Then we said "well, they can start out sharing but we will split them up after a few months, as they start to squirm around". Now here we are at 5 months and they are still crib sharing. 

Bryce has brought up a few times as we watch Trevor kick Jensen in the gut or the head on the baby monitor, if it's time to get another crib...and I quickly shut him down!! I have gone from wanting separate beds to wanting them to sleep together forever....okay that's extreme. But I'm just not ready to let go of them sharing a crib yet; plus, I think they really like it. 

From talking to other twin moms, most have split their twins up by now...but is it really necessary!?!?  Sure they occasionally bump each other or kick each other...but for the most part it doesn't really wake them up. And before me know if they will be moving around in there own and can go where they please in the crib anyways...right?  

Until we start losing sleep....maybe I should say, they start losing sleep...from crib sharing, I think I will stand my ground. They shared a womb for 38 weeks...surely they can navigate a crib together!

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