Monday, March 2, 2015

RSV = really shitty virus

Okay, so obviously RSV doesn't stand for  really shitty virus, but it should!  RSV is really just a bad bad cold for babies. It can be scary and not so scary. We are hoping for a not so scary RSV situation. 

Last week we noticed little Trevor had developed a cough...but we figured he seemed fine otherwise, so it would probably just pass. 

Well, it didn't pass; in fact, it got worse and lots of boogies developed. And by the weekend it was clear that the poor little guy didn't feel well and was definitely not sleeping well...he was pretty miserable!

So we took him to the dr first thing Monday morning. The dr noticed a bit of wheezing in his breathing. So she ordered a breathing treatment and an RSV test. 

Watching little Trevor do his breathing treatment was seriously the most pitiful thing I have ever seen!!

The RSV test came back positive.  However, Trevor doesn't have the scary symptoms that accompany RSV and often result in hospital stays. He has no fever, no decreased appetite, his oxygen levels are fine and he isn't struggling too much with breathing. The dr is thinking that tomorrow he may be worse, but he will start to improve after that...based off when his coughing started. We go back tomorrow to follow up and make sure he's still taking it like a champ. 

However, RSV is highly contagious...and guess what...we have 2 babies! So we are fully expecting Jensen to catch it....ugh!! Here's hoping Jensen also has the less scary version of "really shitty virus". 

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