Thursday, April 16, 2015

Proud Mama

Since discovering I had a "crier" a few weeks ago...and shedding some tears about the matter myself....Bryce and I decided we will help her to build a little independence. And so we have continued to take Peyton to her Thursday toddler class and her Saturday dance class. 

Last week when I took Peyton to her toddler class she cried a little...I checked on her (peeking in the window) a few times throughout. She pretty much stuck with the teacher but she eventually stopped pouting and participated. This was huge...the week before she wouldn't participate at all!! This gave me a glimmer of hope! She shed a few tear when I picked her up....but nothing like the week before. 

As of now, I am no longer taking Peyton to dance, Bryce is doing that. Since she can see us pretty much the whole time, we thought she might do better if I wasn't there. 

And so on Saturday I got Peyton dressed and ready for dance and sent her off...hoping for the best. Bryce said she struggled at first but slowly warmed up! By the end she was running around with fairy wings on and checking herself out in the mirror....not listening to the teacher (lol...we'll take what we can get). I was literally so happy I wanted to cry. I'm kind of sad I'm not there to watch...but hopefully in a few weeks I can go again. Her getting used to it is more important. 

Today Peyton had her toddler class. As we were getting ready this morning I kept telling her she had school today....and so all morning she said "school day"....but slowly she started saying she didn't want to got to school...eek!  When I dropped her off I gave her a hug and a kiss and told her I would be back. She cried!!!  After about 15 minutes I checked on her (peeked through the window)...she was playing!! With another kids! Without the teacher!!  If that's not success I don't know what is!  And when I picked her up, she just ran to me with a tears!!! I was so happy and excited for her!! 

This makes me so excited for Peyton! I hope that she continues to grow and love these classes....because we were optimistic and signed her up for both through the summer!!!

In other news....we have started food with the boys. I was in no rush to start and waited until I thought they were ready. Trevor was starting to express interest in our food so we thought it was time. Much to our surprise, Jensen took right to the food and Trevor....not so much. He threw a fit the first few times we fed him...he yelled at us and kept his lips tight! So we continued feeding Jensen and offered it to Trevor. He slowly improved...he stopped yelling at us but spit everything out! Lol. Until this week...he has actually started taking bites and swallowing!!! I'm so proud of him. 


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