Monday, April 27, 2015

Who's first...

We often talk about "firsts" with the boys. Who will do this first and who will do that first. 

Trevor was our first roller...for both back to belly and belly to back. Jensen rolled not long after Trevor, but only recently started doing it more consistently. 

However, Jensen is definitely the first to use rolling as a mode of transportation!!  Trevor will roll to his belly and hang out there and play. Jensen has figured out if he keeps rolling, he can get somewhere new. 

Both boys have just recently started sitting. Neither can do it for very long but Jensen seems to have better success with it than Trevor. 

Neither boy is crawling. However, Trevor is scooting backwards and attempting to find all fours! (I'm so not ready for a crawler!!)

And just in the past few days we have started getting our first tooth....poor little Jensen has been fighting through that and a cold!

It has been so fun to watch our boys grow and learn and develop! Can't wait to see who has our next "first"!!

Speaking of development....over night Peyton has figured out sentences!! 

"The tiny milk bubbles, so cute!"
"Mom, I poo pooed! Change butt please"
"Come on guy's, follow me!"
"Let's go outside and play in Peyton's tea house?"

Seriously, overnight she started talking like a legit little kid!!

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