Thursday, July 11, 2013

Adventures in moving and eating!

6 months is by far my favorite far! Peyton has been showing so much personality and doing so many fun things. She's not crawling yet but boy is she mobile! Peyton is mastering the art of pushing her self backwards. Between that and rolling....this girl can get about anywhere she wants to go!

Food has been another fun adventure that we've embarked upon. Much like her mother as a child, Peyton prefers fingers over silverware!  (Let's hope she grows out of it before her teen years like I did). As a result of this preference, Peyton gets lots of fresh fruit and some veggies (we need to work on that!). in the past few weeks Peyton has shown interest in eating anything we are...beans, guacamole,  hamburger, pasta and ice cream! 

Can't wait to see what's next with our spunky little spit fire!

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