Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Doing our own thing!

Becoming a parent is by far, the most amazing thing that I have ever done. But it is also the most stressful! Especially if you are an axious worrier like me. I am known for thinking of the worst case scenario and dwelling on it.....that doesn't bode well with parenting.

From the moment I was pregnant I worried about EVERYTHING (which to an extent, especially for a first time mother, is normal). But I worried when I felt odd or uncomfortable and worried when I didn't!  The first time I felt Peyton move was a huge relief....there really was a baby in there! But when movement slowed down...I freaked out!

Right before Peyton was born I kept having fears that she was really a boy. So on the day she was born I asked the Dr.,  about 10 times..."Are you sure she's a girl?" And finally I made the Dr. show me that she was, in fact, really a girl!

Babies are amazing. They start out doing nothing but pooping, peeing, eating and sleeping and before you know it they are acting like legit little humans. But through that journey I always have that constant worry, is she doing what she's supposed to be doing? Should she be doing more?

I know that Peyton is perfectly healthy and right where she needs to be; but I know many many babies that are right around the same age as her....and that makes it hard, for an anxious mom like me, to not worry.

The truth is that all babies do different things at different times. But seeing babies the same age as Peyton do different things....is hard.  As Peyton is approaching 7 months she is doing so many fun things but it's hard to see others babies her age doing things like crawling and pulling themselves up, when Peyton isn't doing those things.

I have to remind myself, with my husband's help, that Peyton is just perfect and doing her own things.  And so my goal is not to dwell on what Peyton isn't doing (because she will do it all eventually), and focus on what she is doing! Because there is lots that she is doing.

Currently Peyton is showing no interest in being on her knees,  but she is showing interest  in standing up! She can't do it on her own but she tries REALLY hard to pull herself up and LOVES it when we let her hold on to things and lean so she can stand on her own. Those legs are getting stronger by the day.

One thing I have learned about Peyton's personality already is that she has drive and determination. Once she wants to do something she tries and tries until she gets it.  We saw this with sitting up. From 3 months old this kid tried so hard to sit up everywhere. In her car seat she was constantly pulling her head up to try to sit up. And once she got it, there was no stopping her. She did it all the time.  I suspect we'll see a similar behavior with standing!

While I know that I won't be able to stop comparing Peyton's development to other babies, I am learning to embrace and encourage her own development. So if she doesn't want to crawl.....I'll help her stand!  Who knows....maybe she'll go straight to walking.....eeeek!


  1. Just something to think about...from a completely outside prospective. My brother and I developed COMPLETELY differently. I talked well before he did...communicating was my forte. He was a very physically active baby. He was the baby that was crawling before other's his age, walking before others, etc. (This probably explains why I am still so academically able and he was much more athletically-capable in H.S. HaHa!)

    Like you said, you shouldn't compare Peyton to others. Babies cannot learn the physical AND the mental aspect at the same time. They put their prime focus on one, and the other goes on the back burner, so to speak.

    From what I see on Facebook, she looks like a wonderful, happy baby :) Keep up the great work mommy!


    1. Yay! Someone read my blog! :-) I completely appreciate your outside prespective! And you are completely right! Thank you for validating my feelings with positive stories :-) we think she's pretty wonderful too ;-) Thanks!
