Friday, March 21, 2014

What's it like with 2 in there?!?!

1. I wake up feeling hungover....everyday!
2. I get really really hungry, to the point of feeling sick, but can't eat very much before I feel super full! Sometimes I can't even finish a meal.  And then I'm hungry again soon after.  When those babies are hungry....I better feed them, stat!!!

3. I wake up tired, am super exhausted by the end of the day. But I can't always seem to take a nap or fall asleep early no matter how tired I am! 

4. My lower abdomen always feels SO full!!

5. Double the babies, means double the hormones, which means.....double the CRAZY!! Yep, that's right, my poor husband must endure all the extra crazy that accompanies the extra baby.  More crying, more worrying, more anxiety, more CRAZY!

I'm sure as this journey continues and these babies will this list!

Friday, March 14, 2014

A memorable trip!!

Well Peyton survived her first plane ride and hotel stay!!! She did really well on the plane...she slept the first half going both ways and then managed to stay entertained the rest of the time!

We had such a great visit out to California for my niece's 2nd birthday! It was so fun watching the girls interact....especially since they are complete opposites. My niece is very quiet, polite and loves to organize and have clean things....and Peyton, the exact opposite!! She is loud, destructive and loves a good mess...totally my kid! ;). Lila was so great with Peyton though, she would share with her and try to help her....eek so cute!!

There were several sweet moments between the two girls where they would hug and give each other kisses...but of course none of us were quick enough with the cameras when it happened.  I guess some memories are just held in the heart. 

I am definitely thankful for the trip. But it also made me sad that my sister doesn't live closer.  We have been lucky the last few years to get to see Jennifer a few times a year.  I hope that continues....because I want nothing more than for Peyton and Lila to get to have a close relationship, especially since they are so close in age. She only has one cousin...I want her to grow up knowing her!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A first we could have lived without

Well...Peyton's "cold" or "draining sinuses" I spoke of a few days ago turned out to be a DOUBLE EAR INFECTION!! Needless to say Peyton's minor symptoms of cough and runny nose quickly turned really bad over the weekend.  Peyton was horribly miserable. She wouldn't sleep and would have crying spells of unstoppable crying.

My mommy instincts quickly told me that something other than a common cold was going on.  So on Monday I dragged my little sickling to the Dr to find out mommy instincts were right on. Little Miss P had an ear BOTH ears!! Ugh!

So the Dr gave us antibiotics and some ear numbing ear drops (since we are flying on Thursday....Eeek, Tomorrow).  Little P has quickly shown improvement.  She seemed so much better after getting 2 doses in her by Monday night.  She was playing and even laughing a little.  She actually slept Monday night...which we all desperately needed.  And Tuesday morning most of her snotty nose was gone (still a little snot and a little cough...but nothing like before)! I have high hopes that today she will be even better and ready to travel tomorrow. 

But I must say watching your child hurt and be miserable and you not being able to do anything about it is the most horrible feeling in the world! I shared many tears with her over the past few days.  Mommy snuggles can only go so far! 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wish us luck...

We are getting ready for Peyton's first plane trip this next week!! Peyton, my mom and I are flying out to Calitfornia for my nieces 2nd birthday. We have been super excited about this trip....until the last few day.  Peyton appears to be getting sick. :( she has this horrible phlemmy cough and is not sleeping well! She doesn't appear to have a runny nose or a fever so I'm hoping her sinuses are just draining and she's feeling better by Thursday.  

Anyways....I have nothing but high hopes for how Peyton will do on the plane. She isn't big on crying but sitting still is a whole other story! Hopefully between snacks, books, and me and my mom to entertain her she'll be just fine.  The part I'm REALLY worried about is her sleeping in the hotel room...

Typically at home we will lay her down for bed and close the door and she soon falls asleep on her own...

However....even with a pack and play we don't have that same luxury of being able to put her to bed and close the door! I have a feeling for our long weekend we will be kissing bed time goodbye and she we will probably be sleeping with mom...which ultimately means, little sleep for mom!!

Wish us luck!!