Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A first we could have lived without

Well...Peyton's "cold" or "draining sinuses" I spoke of a few days ago turned out to be a DOUBLE EAR INFECTION!! Needless to say Peyton's minor symptoms of cough and runny nose quickly turned really bad over the weekend.  Peyton was horribly miserable. She wouldn't sleep and would have crying spells of unstoppable crying.

My mommy instincts quickly told me that something other than a common cold was going on.  So on Monday I dragged my little sickling to the Dr to find out mommy instincts were right on. Little Miss P had an ear BOTH ears!! Ugh!

So the Dr gave us antibiotics and some ear numbing ear drops (since we are flying on Thursday....Eeek, Tomorrow).  Little P has quickly shown improvement.  She seemed so much better after getting 2 doses in her by Monday night.  She was playing and even laughing a little.  She actually slept Monday night...which we all desperately needed.  And Tuesday morning most of her snotty nose was gone (still a little snot and a little cough...but nothing like before)! I have high hopes that today she will be even better and ready to travel tomorrow. 

But I must say watching your child hurt and be miserable and you not being able to do anything about it is the most horrible feeling in the world! I shared many tears with her over the past few days.  Mommy snuggles can only go so far! 

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