Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wish us luck...

We are getting ready for Peyton's first plane trip this next week!! Peyton, my mom and I are flying out to Calitfornia for my nieces 2nd birthday. We have been super excited about this trip....until the last few day.  Peyton appears to be getting sick. :( she has this horrible phlemmy cough and is not sleeping well! She doesn't appear to have a runny nose or a fever so I'm hoping her sinuses are just draining and she's feeling better by Thursday.  

Anyways....I have nothing but high hopes for how Peyton will do on the plane. She isn't big on crying but sitting still is a whole other story! Hopefully between snacks, books, and me and my mom to entertain her she'll be just fine.  The part I'm REALLY worried about is her sleeping in the hotel room...

Typically at home we will lay her down for bed and close the door and she soon falls asleep on her own...

However....even with a pack and play we don't have that same luxury of being able to put her to bed and close the door! I have a feeling for our long weekend we will be kissing bed time goodbye and she we will probably be sleeping with mom...which ultimately means, little sleep for mom!!

Wish us luck!!

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