Friday, March 14, 2014

A memorable trip!!

Well Peyton survived her first plane ride and hotel stay!!! She did really well on the plane...she slept the first half going both ways and then managed to stay entertained the rest of the time!

We had such a great visit out to California for my niece's 2nd birthday! It was so fun watching the girls interact....especially since they are complete opposites. My niece is very quiet, polite and loves to organize and have clean things....and Peyton, the exact opposite!! She is loud, destructive and loves a good mess...totally my kid! ;). Lila was so great with Peyton though, she would share with her and try to help her....eek so cute!!

There were several sweet moments between the two girls where they would hug and give each other kisses...but of course none of us were quick enough with the cameras when it happened.  I guess some memories are just held in the heart. 

I am definitely thankful for the trip. But it also made me sad that my sister doesn't live closer.  We have been lucky the last few years to get to see Jennifer a few times a year.  I hope that continues....because I want nothing more than for Peyton and Lila to get to have a close relationship, especially since they are so close in age. She only has one cousin...I want her to grow up knowing her!

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