Thursday, June 5, 2014


In exactly 4 days I will be at the halfway point....19 weeks!!! (19 weeks is currently our halfway point since the drs won't let me go past 38 weeks).  Man....I'm already BIG!!!  These boys are growing!
      Today....18 weeks and 3 days

      18 weeks

      16 weeks

           14 weeks

        13 weeks

           11 weeks

I was going to write an entire blog about my crazy out of control hormones but decided to save that for instead you got the progression of the growing belly (sorry I haven't been super consistent with belly pictures....but I hardly took any with Peyton, so this is an improvement)!! 

I'll be the first admit that I'm SUPER nervous about how big my belly will get by the end of this journey!  Especially when I look back on my pregnancy with Peyton.  I was this size when I was about 26 weeks pregnant with Peyton!!
26ish weeks with Peyton!            Almost 19 weeks with twin boys!

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