Friday, November 21, 2014

How baby wearing saved my life

One of the hardest parts about having twins is the lack of arms you quickly realize you have. Without a doubt, one or more baby always wants to be held...and Peyton typically still needs mom to do something for her. 

Since I spend my days at home, typically without help, I can't effectively do everything I need...or my kids need...with only 2 arms. 

My wearing. It has become the newest fashion trend in my house. While baby wearing, I can still have 2 free hands to hold another baby, pour milk, play with Peyton...or do it all!!!  

Now...if I could only figure out how to wear both babies!!!

Aside from the excitement of baby wearing....we have had a tough and exhausting week. Peyton has had another ear infection. 

Monday-Wednsday were seriously days from hell!!  Poor little Peyton had a high fever and just felt like crap. She cried most days and ONLY wanted mom!! Thank goodness Bryce's mom was with us to help out. I'm not sure how I would have survived without her help!! I was literally carrying a baby and Peyton for 3 days. I felt so bad for my baby girl. Seeing your children sick is the most heartbreaking thing ever!!  So glad she's feeling better. 

And I can't forget...the boys turned 1 month yesterday!! And in just over a month Peyton will be 2 years old!!

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