Sunday, February 22, 2015

I have become "that mom"

When we found out that we were having twins, especially identical twins, the first thing I said was "I will not put them in matching clothes!"  In fact, I was pretty adamant that family NOT buy us matching outfits. I had this fear about them always being identified as a pair, together, and not having any individuality.  I hated the idea of them always being identified as "the twins"...because though they are twins, they are also individuals. And it was so important to me that they have the opportunity to be individuals. So I boycotted things like twin names. I didn't want to give them matching names just because they were born at the same time. Just like, I didn't want to put them in the same clothes just because there are 2 of them.

However, as we started buying boy clothes, especially now that they are born, there are more and more things that we buy that I find myself saying "this is too cute for them BOTH not to have it!"  And so I have become that twin parent that dresses her twins in the same thing!

As the boys are getting older I am also learning that it doesn't matter what they are wearing, they do still have their individuality and their own personalities. Their little personalities are really starting to show. Trevor seems to be a little more quiet and sensitive to crowds, they seem to overwhelm him at times. Jensen is almost always smiling! He loves to smile and talk, loudly at times! And a crowd, he seems to like it..he wants to see what's going on. But of course, the one thing they seem to have in common...they are both mama's boys. 

Seeing their personalities coming out makes me so excited to see how they continue to grow and see how they are both alike and different. And though I feel that they have proved they are individuals, I think I will still struggle with the label "the twins"...I much prefer the "the boys" or just "Trevor and Jensen". In fact, when they are referred to as "the twins" I often passive aggressively refer to them as one of the above in response.  Because though they are twins, they are also so much more!! But...they do look pretty darn cute when I dress them the same...and I think their personalities come out regardless!  So I guess, being "that mom" isn't so bad, especially when you have cute kids to be "that mom" with!

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