Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Growing Strong!!

This has been an exciting week in the world of baby(ies) growing!!  Yesterday I had a dr appoitnment at 21 weeks to finish up the anatomy scan....yes the anatomy scan has taken place over a few weeks.  Apparently double babies are trickier to measure! ;)  Both boys are growing amazingly and are still boys (;0 hahaha)!!  They have been growing neck and neck which is exactly what we want! Baby A was weighing in at 14 oz and baby B 13 oz.  Since these boys are growing so wonderfully I no longer have to go in every 2 weeks (until later).  So my next appointment is in 4 weeks, but we wont do another ultrasound until 2 weeks after that.  So that is 6 weeks until I see my boys again!! This makes me a bit our original monitoring plan was every 2 weeks and I felt calm and reassured that every few weeks I got to see that my boys were doing well.  However, Bryce has sweetly reassured me that it's a good thing! That all it means is I'm such a good baby baker that the boys are growing perfectly and don't need to be seen as often.  So I will be constantly reminding myself of this...repeating it as a mantra...the next 6 weeks until I get to see them again.

the boys are fine! i make healthy babies.
the boys are fine! i make healthy babies.
the boys are fine! i make healthy babies.

Both of my boys flexing some arm muscles at 21 weeks!

I will say that I am put slightly at ease with not seeing them as often, knowing that I have really started feeling them squirm and worm seems to be more and more every day.  Last night, Bryce finally got to feel some kicks too!

The obvious question I regularly get is: how does it feel with 2 moving around in there?

I thought I could tell who I was feeling....assuming baby A was on the bottom and baby B was on the top...until yesterday.  Yesterday, during our ultrasound, both boys were head down (on the cervix area) and feet up! much for my theory of one being toward the top and one toward the bottom.  Now I have NO clue who is moving when!!

I suppose, so far, the only way it is really different from one baby moving is that I feel it more EVERYWHERE and sometimes in multiple spots at once.  But I'm sure the differences will become more prevalent as they get bigger.  But for now I'm just relieved to get to feel them moving around.

Since babies (and mommy) are growing great....I have been reassured that all the aches and pains I've been feeling are totally normal and nothing to be worried goal for the next month is to remain calm and not stress!  Last week I started a prenatal yoga I will  be continuing those Wednesday nights.  It is nice to get away and have a little "alone" time to relax and stretch.  I definitely enjoyed the environment and look forward to my weekly stress-reliever (and hopefully pain-reliever) sessions.

Holy babies!! 21 weeks and measuring about a month ahead.  

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