Monday, June 23, 2014

Growing up is hard...on moms!!

Well....Last night was the first time that Peyton slept in her big girl bed! In fact, it's almost 9am and she's still sleeping in her big girl bed.

I have been nervous and anxious about getting Peyton's new room put together and her sleeping in it!  It's been a bit of a slow process....we have had her bed for awhile (it became a fun toy!) and then slowly got things painted and moved. The final thing we were waiting for before getting Peyton moved in was our new baby monitor ( daddy wanted to motion track her!!).  So yesterday we picked up the new monitor and got it all set up. 

Bed time hit and Peyton didn't want to go to usual.  But with a little bit of whining she let me lay her in her bed, I gave her all of her stuffed animals to cuddle with, covered her with her blanket and kissed her goodnight.  She cried a little ( she tends to do that when she's over tired) but she stayed in bed.  As I turned off the hall lights and walked down the stairs I began to instantly cry....I mean hysterically BAWL.  

Bryce met me at the bottom of the stairs askig what was wrong.  I was crying so much I could hardly get anything out.

I was crying because I didn't want her to be scared in a new room and I was sad that my sweet little baby was big enough to sleep in a bed and not her crib!  I wasn't ready for her to grow up yet! In fact...I'm crying as I write this! (I'm sure some of it has to do with the mass amounts of hormones I have running through my body right now). But regardless, the first night was a success. 

I'm watching her on her monitor now and she just leaned over the bed to pick up any fallen stuffed animals and is laying back down cuddling with them! How cute is that!?!!?

Ugh....I can't believe she's growing up so fast!!


  1. Way to empower a future leader of America! I can only imagine how hard being a mommy can be, but holding strong and encouraging our youth to continue growing promotes success and prosperity. Way to go mom!
