Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Holy vocabulary!!

The past few weeks Peyton has been blurting out new vocabulary left and right!! It just amazes me and is so exciting to watch.

Previously her vocabulary consisted of: go, hi, mama, dada, dog, all gone, bath, milk, shoe, no, nose, more, book....moo and various other animal noises

Well recently we have added: ready, eyes, brrr, monkey, movie, all done, please, Lily, bye, elephant, lion, elmo, doctor, potty, poop, Nana, babies, bunny, toes, me, hot....that's all that I can think of at the moment!  

I'm just so astonished that in a matter of weeks she learning so many new words! Guess it's time to start watching what we say around her!! ;)

In other news...Baby boys are doing great! I have started feeling little baby flutters and occasionally pokes and prods. It has taken a bit longer to feel baby movement because I have an anterior placenta....basically my placenta is like a pillow between babies and my stomach so I have to feel any movement through the placenta.  But these little boys are getting stronger by the day...I'm sure I'll be feeling them more consistently in no time!!

    Baby B is waving "hi" at 19 weeks!!



  1. Guess I'll have to start watching what I say around Miss Peyton too! She's lucky to have a teacher for a mommy! Bright young one she'll be :)

  2. OMG I just noticed Bryce's shirt! Hilarity!!!

  3. OK, last one...

    Hi Baby B! I hear that you are the trouble maker?!?! You and me are going to get along swimmingly!

    1. Bryce and I were just joking about needing a potty mouth jar here soon!! And the shirt was part of his Father's Day gift!! :)
