Friday, October 10, 2014

10 more days!!! (But who's counting!)

As we are getting closer it's hard not to count down the days and wait anxiously! Especially since we got our induction moved from the 20th at 8:30pm to 8:00am...that's like a whole day sooner! So my count down is at 10 crazy! I can't believe that I can count on just my 2 hands the days until we get to meet our boys. Both of our families and our friends are anxiously waiting with us and anytime we call, they are hoping it's news that they are on their way.  

I'm still holding out hope that in the next 10 days these boys will come on their own. There are lots of natural self induction techniques out there, but because I'm already delivering early...I'm not really comfortable with most of them. 

So the last two days I have been doing "operation: walk these babies out".  Really it's kind of a joke, because my body can only handle so much but I'm giving it all I've got! On Wednesday, Peyton and I went to the mall. I only really lasted an hour...but it's still an hour! Yesterday, we met Bryce downtown for lunch. We actually did quite a bit of walking. We walked to lunch and back from lunch. We walked around his office for a bit chatting with others.  I was pretty tired and sore yesterday.  Goodnews is, sometime yesterday the babies pretty drastically dropped quite a bit. Hopefully it leads to something good.  Today's walking will likely be just getting some things done and cleaned up around the house. 

Ultimately my days are now filled with waking up and saying "Damn, I'm still pregnant!" Overthinking every little thing my body does or doesn't do....thinking, hoping it's a sign of...something! And ultimately trying to stay busy for the day so as not to drive myself or Bryce totally crazy.....only 10 more days!!

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