Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Self-loathing, pity party....because occasionally I need one

These last few weeks have been rough, to say the least. About a month ago I posted about hitting "the wall" and not being able to imagine it getting harder...oh how I have proved myself wrong.  What I thought was "the wall" was clearly just a speed bump.  

In the past few weeks my body has completely slowed down! I can't even explain how exhausted and sore my body is.  I tell my husband....every inch of me literally hurts!!

The bottoms of my feet are so sore and tender at times, that it hurts to stand up and I occasionally find myself walking on my toes because I just can't stand to put anymore pressure on the bottom of my feet.  

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with my knees aching...why?? I have no clue...maybe from being bent and having the pressure of my other leg on top of it. 

Me, going from sitting to standing is probably pretty comperable to that of a geriatrics patient going from sitting to standing.  I once broke my pelvis...and I'm pretty sure that I had more stability and less pain when trying to stand up with a broken pelvis, than I do now.  Between this and my feet, I usually walk very slow, with a waddle or a bit of a limp.

My belly is so big.  It doesn't seem to be getting just keeps growing outward, like a torpedo.  This makes sleeping so hard! Especially since there is so much baby in that belly.  When I was pregnant with Peyton, I remember one side being more comfortable than the other....this is currently not the case.  Both sides are uncomfortable. And I have to be fully surrounded and supported by pillows to get even a few minutes of comfort before I need to switch sides again.  My dad came up to help us fix a hole in the ceiling this last weekend and all he could say to my mom was "I can't believe how big her stomach is!" The skin on my stomach is so tight it constantly feels like it's going to burst!!  I'm convinced some days I'm going to have these babies alien style!

The top of my uterus literally comes right to the bottom of my boobs.  Like,
I'm talking, there is ZERO space between the two. This makes wearing ANY type of support incredibly uncomfortable and a bit painful after a short period of time. 

My all hurts, all the time. My lower back, middle of my back, upper all hurts at any given time. 

My arms...well, they are good! Woohoo...a part of me that doesn't hurt!! Until you get to my joints hurt which means my fingers hurt to bend. 

Typically, one of 3 things is happening (though sometimes more than one occur at the same time): I am having contractions (which by the way
I learned today, they can last several minutes...super comfy), I have to pee (even if I just went 5 minutes ago), or I feel like I want to vomit.  

I have many days where I eat very little because I have no appetite...probably because there is so little room left in my body...despite this, I have 2 babies that weigh right around 7lbs each. I have no clue how they are continuing to gain weight...or even fit! I literally cry EVERY time we mention how big these babies are. It's like this reminder of how and why  my body is struggling!

But I only have to endure this a little bit longer...we have set a date!  I am set to be induced on October 20th at 8:30 pm. That means these boys will likely be born on the 21st....let the countdown begin!

I apologize for my whining and complaining.  But yesterday was a pretty tough day for me...I'm pretty sure I spent more than half of it getting to verbally regurgitate all of this has made me feel a bit better.  Despite all of the whining and complaining that took place, I truly am blessed to be growing 2 very healthy boys.  Though someday, I will remind them of what I went through for them to be here!

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