Tuesday, October 7, 2014

(Im)patiently waiting!

I seem to be recovering from my emotional break down from last week. It has helped that the past few days my body has been doing okay and my emotions are not completely out of control....and I will take a few days of sanity wherever I can get it!!

We had yet another doctors appointment today. It was long...lots of waiting and an unruly toddler.  At our ultrasound they did not measure for growth....I was totally relieved. There is something about measuring for growth and them telling me how big the babies are that causes me to cry. Bryce likes to constantly talk about how big the boys are and I have to remind him that while I'm excited they are healthy, talking about their size upsets me and causes a flood gate of emotions!! So not talking about their size at our appointment today was totally okay with me!

Rather, the ultrasound focused on the amniotic fluid level, the placenta, babies positions and of course, listening to the heart rates. 

The past few appointments there has been some...reasons...to keep an eye on the amniotic fluid.  About 3 weeks ago both babies seemed to have a lot of fluid. So we double checked my sugar levels, which were fine. While there is nothing wrong with higher levels, it's just something to be aware of. Than last week baby A's fluid level had decreased but baby B's was still a bit high. There was quite a difference between the two.  This week however, it was good to see that both levels we closer together and not considered to be higher or too low. Yay!!

Last week it was also noticed that the placenta was starting to get some calcifications.  Part of what makes my type of twins mo/di (monochorianic diamniotic) higher risk, is that because they are sharing one placenta the placenta can start to age sooner, meaning it starts to stop doing what it is supposed to. So while my placenta is starting to age, showing calcifications, it is still doing what it is supposed to! Yay!

Baby A has held strong at head down, for as long as I can remember.  However, Baby B is breech. So what does all of this mean??  Well, ultimately my goal has been to have a vaginal delivery and avoid a csection. Obviously, the ideal situation for this would be for both boys to be head down....but they are not. However, because Baby A is head down there is a chance that once Baby A is born, Baby B could flip on his own or the Dr can turn him, thus making it possible to have Baby B vaginally as well.  However, if he does not turn there is a possibility that a csection will be needed for Baby B.  Bryce and I were told that we could also opt for a csection for both babies. We ultimately decided against it. We are going to put our faith in Baby B, the dr and the powers that be, that Baby B will flip and we can avoid a csection. Fingers crossed!!!

I had also asked my dr today to check my cervix, as I have Braxton Hicks contractions all day long, I was curious to the progress that was being made, in hopes that there was some and these boys could maybe come on their own before the 20th.  I am currently dilated to 4cm and "...nice and loose" (hahaha..totally awkward to hear your doctor say!). She said that my body is definitely getting ready and when I start having contractions, not to waste any time getting to the hospital.

None of this really means anything...I could theoretically sit at 4cm until my scheduled induction on the 20th...but a girl can hope! Obviously I would rather go into labor naturally, than have to be induced...so I'll take the 4cm dilation as a good thing and perhaps a sign of hope!

But regardless...the countdown has officially begun in our house...well more so for me than Bryce (I think me counting down everyday would drive him crazy!!). Two weeks from now, there will be babies!! In fact, in 13 days my induction will begin...Eeek!!

In other news, Peyton has decided that right now is a good time to not sleep well during nap time and not want to eat.  She is getting in some canine teeth and I'm really hoping they are to blame for her lack of sleep and eating! She drinks a lot of milk right now, so I'm not too worried about the lack of calories and nutrition she is missing from not eating regularly....but man, these crappy naps are making me extra tired and her extra crabby. I hope that these teeth come in quickly and I can have my good little napper and eater back! Arg...but none the less...we are trying to enjoy our last few days with Peyton as an only child! <3

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