Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 20, 2014

The big day finally came. Bryce's mom had come up the day before so that Bryce and I could just leave for the hospital the morning of the big day and not have to worry about Peyton. 

So that morning we headed to hospital for the much awaited day.  We were excited to see that Tracy was our nurse when got there. We did a quick cervix check and I was already 6 cm and 90% effaced with a very low baby. At this point the outlook seemed promising. It was thought that after getting my antibiotics going that early afternoon they could just break my water to get labor going...since obviously most people aren't walking around at 6cm without being in labor. 

As the morning progressed we did an ultrasound to check the boys' positions.  Baby A was head down...really low. But he was also brow up, meaning that his head was tilted back a bit meaning he would come out face first...which is not desirable or depending on how tilted, even physically possible for baby.  

Because of his position there was talk about a csection....especially since baby B was still not head down. But we were told that ultimately it was up to us. We could try labor and see what happens...both boys could ultimately cooperate, or we could opt for a csection...but either way, breaking my water was no longer an option because of how baby A's head was. The water was kind of cushioning his head. So if we chose labor, I would have to be induced with pitocin. 

After much deliberation and many tears and with the support of our nurse who ultimately knew that I wanted to avoid a csection if possible, we decided that we wanted to proceed with labor. So pitocin was stared and labor progressed. We used an odd shaped yoga type ball to position between my legs as I layed on my side to try to help provide space in my pelvis for Baby A to move a little and hopefully shift his head position.  Most of my labor was spent moving from side to side with this ball between my knees. By this point I also got my epidural. The epidural was great...but it lowered my blood pressure which made me sick. So everytime it would lower my blood pressure I would throw up. Fun times! 

By about 7pm, I was sitting pretty steady at about 7cm and it was time to decide to either break my water and see what happens or decide to have a csection. It was suspected that Baby A's head had shifted a little and was in a little better of a position, but at this point the dr still couldn't guarantee I wouldn't need a csection. 

There were many more tears. And by this point I was so exhausted, I just wanted to be done.  I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go through labor and have these babies vaginally but I didn't want to risk the health and safety of anyone. I also didn't want to have csection if it wasn't necessary. After crying with Bryce and my mom for awhile, Bryce said he just wanted us all to be healthy and supported whichever I wanted to do. And my mom reassured me that the dr wouldn't let anything happen to me or the babies. Moments away from screaming "just cut them out of me",  I asked the dr one more time if continuing with labor was unsafe for either baby. He told me no. So I said, "break my water". It was expected that I would progress 1 cm an hour, making push time still 3 hours away. 

Shortly after breaking my water, my blood pressure dropped again and I was vomiting. Around 8pm I told the nurse I was feeling lots of pressure so she checked me. I was at 9 1/2 cm....I clearly progressed quicker than expected. It was time to go back to the OR for delivery. 

Bryce and my dad geared up to go back with me and I tried to remain calm not knowing what to expect. 

They took me back to the operating room, Bryce and my dad had to wait until everything was set up. So I was in this cold sterile room all by myself and a little freaked out. They moved me to a skinny little metal table that I would deliver on...much like the picture below. 

Finally Bryce and my dad came back, it was time. I don't know what time it was when I started pushing but it only took about 4 or 5 pushes for Baby A to come out. His head had shifted enough that he came out just fine face up. At 8:54pm Trevor Amen was born. He weighed 7lbs 2oz. Bryce got to hold him while they assessed via ultrasound how Baby B was positioned. He had flipped breech. The dr pushed down on my stomach to help rotate him. After a few ultrasound checks and quick turns over my stomach, he said baby B was flipped and ready. I didn't feel him pushing down on my stomach, but I could feel the baby rotating. 

My dad got to hold Trevor while I delivered Baby B.  He was in heaven getting to hold him. And after a little more effort, Jensen Reed was born at 9:27pm, weighing 6lbs 12oz.  After all those months of ultrasounds measuring baby B as bigger...he was smaller. And after all those hours of crying and labor, in the end I went with my gut and it all worked out...both boys were born vaginally with No problems!  We couldn't have asked for delivery to go any smoother. 

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