Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Our last NST

Today was our last NST!!!! After weekly visits to the hospital for was our last one until babies are born!! And with true feistiness, these boys made sure it was eventful. 

Let me back track a little....I haven't talk much about out weekly NSTs, because usually they are pretty boring.  But every week for several weeks I have dragged Peyton (and Bryce) to labor and delivery at the hospital.  Since we have gone on the same day every week we have gotten to know many of the nurses.  They pretty much know who I am when I get there....and they all know and LOVE Peyton! She says "hi" to EVERYONE as we walk down the halls.  One of our favorite nurses, Jamie, will usually stop by to say "hi" and check-in with us even if she's not our nurse for the day.  She was the one that bumped up our induction from 8:00 her!!  

We usually aren't at the hospital for more than an hour from start to finish. We have been lucky that most times they find the boys, monitor them for the needed time and then we are free to go. There have been a few times we have been there longer because Baby B is not cooperating...or holding still. But usually I know exactly where they are and how they are positioned making finding their heart rates pretty easy. But today was a whole different story....

Yesterday was a tough day, I was experiencing lots of pain and discomfort. I couldn't quite pin point what it was....but my body was off!  Last night, while the boys were doing their usual squirming, I told Bryce that I was pretty sure that Baby B had moved....I didn't know where he went or how he rotated but he definitely wasn't in his usual breech position. 

Today after much searching, our NST was only completed because one of our other regular nurses, Tracy, held the monitors on the babies the entire needed time. We spent nearly an hour trying to find both boys and keep them on the monitors. I had told Tracy that I was pretty sure baby B had moved...and our struggle to consistently find him proved that I was right. But we still weren't really sure how he was postioned. But we thought that maybe he was directly on top of baby A. Finally after the NST was completed, we did a quick ultrasound to figure out how they were positioned. Baby A is still head down (thank goodness), and baby B is oblique...he has basically started to turn head down and is kind of at a slant with his head down toward my hip. And I believe his little legs are right there with baby A's legs. 

But this pretty big flip that Baby B took on yesterday explains the mass amounts of pain my body is in (because, obviously, there isn't a whole lot of room left for this type of stuff). However, we are super excited that baby B is trying to position himself head down!!!

Jamie came by see us and said that she unfortunately isn't working on Monday when the boys will be evicted but that she hopes she'll get to see them when she comes in on Wednesday. Tracy said she is working Monday and will request to be our will definitely be nice to have a familiar face if we can get one. 

We also got a little more information about how the delivery of twins works....I was a bit upset that this was the first we were hearing of it and will definitely ask our dr about at our appointment to tomorrow. But anyways...they said that all twins are delivered in the operating room just as a safety precaution (which ultimately makes sense) but because of the delivery taking place there, they only allow 2 people back during delivery. We weren't planning on having tons of people but we did want my mom and dad and Bryce's mom...they were all there with us for Peyton's birth and it was a great support system. So I was a little upset to learn our original plan wasn't going to happen. But it is was it and I will just have to deal with it; and hopefully get more information about it from our Dr our LAST doctors appointment before babies!!! 

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